Seems everyone has a dog these days, except Mike and Cindy. Since I don't have any grandkids, I'll feature the family's dogs and my own good boy, Lucky.
Now meet Phyllis and Phoebe, the phabulous and phun part of our phamily! They are quite a pair, as well, and keep all the rest of phamily pretty much in line, people and their dogs included! Phoebe has been a little God-send, first with Dad, who loved her very much, and now she's Mom's walking buddy and phriend, known throughout the River Chase neighborhood by almost everyone!
See Chloe and Lynley? Now there's a pair. Both of them are going to do things just like they like to do them! Fortunately, Lynley doesn't like to grab her bed with her teeth and pull it around the house, but Chloe sure does! Chloe is my original granddog, and has her idiosyncrasies, (probably because she lived in California for 4 years), but we find it quite entertaining. Since they live less than a mile away, Lynley brings Chloe to visit "Mam-maw", so she can lay in the sun in the backyard and do a little "Lucky herding". Chloe has the softest fur, which Lynley likes to wear wherever she goes.
Lucky came to us 7 years ago. We were in the market for a dog, because Landry had begged for a dog for a long time. When our neighbors ended up with a couple of puppies that had been rescued from the dumpster behind Bill Smith's Cafe, it seemed like the right time and the right dog. We named him Lucky because we thought he was pretty lucky to find a home. Turns out we were the lucky ones - Lucky is one awesome dog. He knows lots of tricks and he is my good walking buddy. But he's not perfect - he has a barking habit that is a little disconcerting to whomever walks in the front door. But we love him.
That little white dog is Haley and Wes's Westie named Scout. You see him there on cat patrol. That's his job - to keep all cats off his property there in Portland, Texas. He's a character, and he likes to play soccer. Scout is always up for a little play time. Haley and I took a trip to Stillwater three years ago to pick him up. I've heard rumors that he may be getting a little sister.
11/2/08 Stacey and Skip dropped by after Skip's visit to Petsmart for a bath. He showed up smelling really fine - Pumpkin Spice, compliments of the groomer. Skip is Lucky's country cousin and he doesn't get into town very often. We don't know where he came from - he just showed up one day this past summer at Doug and Stacey's and quickly won them over. He's got them right where he wants them - wrapped around his dew claw!