Friday night lights are in full swing here in McKinney. Landry's team, the McKinney Boyd High School Broncos, are now 4 /3. We've had a couple of rough weeks, and this is our bye week. However, if we can bring in 2 more District wins, we'll make first round of the playoffs. We have been blessed this year to have lots of family attend games with us, which makes it so much fun! The boy got nominated for King of Athletics, so I got my 2 seconds of glory on the field at half-time as his escort. As Mark put it, the Kemps were able to maintain their perfect record of never having won anything in the popularity department, as Landry was beat out by another kid! Oh, well, it keeps us humble! See the inflatable Bronco head [above] as it spews Bronco football players out of its mouth before the game and at halftime!