Sunday, October 26, 2008

In the Garden

Sunday morning, a sunny day, an extra hour (thanks to the time change), and 60 degrees - that's what I call a genuine gift from the good Lord! I couldn't resist getting out in the back yard (yes, barefoot and in my jammies) to do a little moseying around. I don't know why garden tools had to be invented, since God put 10 perfect ones hanging off the end of my arms (see picture of hand). Mom always says "Where are your gloves?" when I start digging in the yard. They get in my way. The statue is old St. Fracar, the patron saint of the garden. One of my Catholic friends gave me him, and I like him, I don't care if I AM a Protestant! The coleus and salvia are gorgeous. I had noticed that my kolanches looked like they had a bunch of perfect little buds on them, so I'm trying to start some to winter over and plant next spring. We spend a lot of time in the backyard, especially this year when we decided to have a "stay-cation" instead of a vacation. It's a little mini-vacation every time I step out, and the cares of the world seem to slip away.


Cindy's Cache said...

Your yard is AMAZING and very inspirational! I'm hoping my aunt Jen will come visit me and spark some inspiration in my yard!

Mindy S said...

that was MIndy too

Haley Bird said...

Looks good! I saw Zoe in one picture! :*(
I also saw my transplanted elephant ears! They were so little then!

Cathy said...

Your yard looks beautiful. It makes me realize I need to work on mine! haha Cindy has told me several things about your backyard. She was right, It is amazing!

Lori said...

I'm loving your pretty!