Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Bathroom Birth Announcement

After numerous inquiries from family and friends as to the status of "The Bathroom Project", we are pleased to announce that we now have a fully functional, and even attractive, bathroom off our master bedroom. Yes, it took a half a year to complete, but let me tell you, I truly appreciate and enjoy my new "Great White Throne Room".




It's like falling into a snowbank or a fluffy white cloud. Below is the view from the toilet, which I really enjoy.

Now, I don't post this incite any jealousy on anyone's part, but we did add a technologically advanced two-button toilet. The first button is for number one and the second button is for [you guessed it!] number two, get it? Now when we need to go the bathroom, we just jump up and announce "I've got to go push the number 2 button!" [or whichever is appropriate], and it is much more civil and socially acceptable.

And, one more pic if you will bear with me, we added shelves over the two-buttoned toilet, which I also like a lot! And, voila! The project is finished! Thanks for your prayers and support!


Haley Bird said...

WOWWWW WEEEEEE! I LOVE IT! It looks FANTABULOUS! I love the little shelves above the toilet, I am gonna get Wes to make me some of those! Dad did such a great job! you think I can borrow him down here for awhile?!

Jen Kemp said...

Bird, I'll have him on a plane tomorrow. Hope you're ready to keep him for a few months!

Jen Kemp said...

Bird, I'll have him on a plane tomorrow. Hope you're ready to keep him for a few months!

Jen Kemp said...

Bird, I'll have him on a plane tomorrow. Hope you're ready to keep him for a few months!

Cindy's Cache said...

Patience and perseverance paid big dividends! The decorating blogs and DIY projects have nothing on you two! I could use a handyman but I'm afraid he might not live to send the end because I would probably go off the deep end about 1 month into the project if not before! LOL

Mema said...

I am still laughing!! Comments, you know. Well, the bathroom turned out beautiful, just beautiful. I am so glad for you. Perseverance pays after all. Your descriptions are so entertaining; I don't know if you should be a writer or a decorator.

Mindy S said...

Well I know where my bathroom stop will be next time I'm in Texas! Wow looks great!