Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dear Maxine

Dear Maxine, I'm desperate. My son is a slob. I've tried and tried to get him to keep his room picked up, and he might do well for a few days, but then it's just right back to his old slovenly ways. Maxine, I may not be the neatest person, but I do know what clean is. What can I do?
Signed, Slob's Mom
Dear Slob's Mom,
Kick his ass! It might not change his slobbish ways, but you'll feel better - Maxine


Mindy S said...

That is hysterical!! Maybe he will grow out of it!

Cindy's Cache said...

Well, you didn't disappoint us! I am still laughing! Now I must get busy and try to figure out something to even come close! Remember someday the room will be clean and you will be lonesome!

Cathy said...

There is still hope. I too was a hopeless slob until I met my wonderful Type A husband who quickly whipped me into shape. Just keep on smiling. It will get better.

Mema said...

What a clever way to share your wrtiing! Good job, Jen!