Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dear Maxine II

Dear Maxine: Well, the jig is up. The boy (aka "slob") found my post. He chastised me, informing me that I should not have posted that pic of him on the World Wide Web in his pink underwear, because there are sexual predators out there that might find it. Maxine, do you think that's possible? I'm really worried.

Scared in Texas

Dear Scared in Texas:

I wouldn't worry about it too much - I don't see much there that anybody would want. What I would be more concerned with is vermin - Maxine (by the way, have you kicked his ass?)


Mindy S said...

I know what I'm getting "The Boy" for Christmas a gift certificate to Terminix.. He's going to need it. LOL.

Cindy's Cache said...

I can only imagine what "The Boy" had to say! And by the way have you? I doubt it! LOL

Bev said...

Hey, Louise- what's shakin, girl- when are we going to hook up with Southwest, drink some wine and have a mom trip- i got the tickets when u go the time- luv ya, thelma

Haley Bird said...

when are you going to post pictures of the bathroom!!?? I can't wait to see it!

Mema said...

Oh, Jen, what fun you have. I bet Landry thinks so , too. I feel if ever he shapes up, it might be now.