I don't know if you can tell much from these pics, but our bathroom is now finished. It feels good to have it look all fresh, and I love the clean lines and stark contrasts. Ever since we have lived here, I have hated that yellow tile, and have tried to tone it down. I was going to tear it out, but do you know that back in the 60's they concreted that stuff to chicken wire and it is there to stay unless you hammer it out and pull out the wall. So, I decided to try to make the best of it, and I actually like it now that we've gone in with the black. Check out the giraffes on the back of the toilet that are dressed up like so many psychodelic zebras. If you can calmly do your business with them looking on, then you must be really secure (either that, or really disturbed). Anyway, I like it a lot!
Wow! I love it! What are the pictures of on the opposite wall? Did you take them? How clever to work the yellow in!! You never cease to amaze me with you creativity! I am such a blah!
Looks great!! I love the black and yellow! Good job!
Looks like a classic 1950's bathroom with the black and white, crisp and clean! I was going to tell you... if you want our old bathroom sink faucet you can have it. It is pretty nice, it is a kohler and is shiny chrome. We would have reused it but we ended up using brushed nickel so now it's just sitting in our garage.
It kinda looks like this but has different knobs..white one's that I think would go great with your 50's inspired bathroom!http://www.us.kohler.com/onlinecatalog/detail.jsp?from=thumb&frm=null&module=Lavatory+Faucets&item=12219602&prod_num=11075-4§ion=2&category=8&resultPage=0--566228513
P.S. Landry's feet are hairy! eww! You should take a picture of my pretty feet instead! :)
Your bathroom looks great! Love the giraffes!
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